Training Specialties:
- Personal Communication Skills
- Process Management for Teams
- MBNQA for Application Writing Teams
- QFD for Product/Service Teams
- Metrics and Voice of the Customer for Staff, Project Teams
- Facilitation Skills for Individuals
Training in corporate America regretfully can be a bumbling hit-or-miss adventure wrought with inexperience and poor execution. Jude Heimel takes her role as trainer and gives it tailor-made twists to develop company-specific Training Delivery courses and innovative Train-the -Trainer courses.
She also is skilled at revamping entire training departments and redesigning traditional training programs. For instance, she’ll take a typical observation-based orientation program and turn it into a full-participation workshop – complete with real-world examples and actual work.
In part, what makes Jude’s training programs so effective is not only her intense preparation prior to training, but also her thorough follow-up, which further ensures good – and ongoing – training practices.
Hundreds of training sessions delivered
Training from National Training Laboratories, Mid Atlantic Training Center
Trainer and Course Developer, AT&T Bell Laboratories Education and Training Department